What It Truly Means to Live a Luxury Lifestyle

What does luxury living mean to you? Does it mean living in a massive mansion with unobstructed sunset views? Or how about having expensive cars, haute couture, and fine jewelry?

Yes, the definition of luxury has always meant exclusivity and superior standards. According to the Oxford English definition, these are things and experiences that are “desirable but not necessary.” In other words, you can live without luxury, but should you?

While this has been the definition of the word, the meaning of luxury continues to expand and evolve. It no longer means expensive goods and experiences but can have a subjective perspective, depending on who you ask.

In this article, we’ll talk about how you can live a luxurious lifestyle, whether you have billions in the bank or enough to travel to the country closest to where you are.

Tips to Living a Luxurious Lifestyle Within One’s Financial and Emotional Means

If the luxury lifestyle seems out of reach, you may be in for a big surprise. With minor details and upgrades, you can live a high life without adding millions to your bank account.

Here are the top tips for luxury living:

1. Prepare Yourself for the Luxury Mindset

You’ve heard it before, but we’ll repeat it: if you want something, believe you can have it. If the luxury lifestyle is what you want, you must have a consistent mindset and a set of goals to achieve long-term luxury. Everything starts with your mindset, so set your goals and work to achieve them.

2. Prioritize Comfort Over Extravagance

While having a massive mansion defines luxury living, how can it be a lifestyle when you don’t live in it? Sometimes, prioritizing comfort over extravagance can be so much more luxurious. Opt for a 3-bedroom beach house instead of a 10-bedroom mansion in the hills, or buy a Mercedes G-Wagen over a 2-door Porsche 911 (992) Carrera if you have kids.

3. Start with Small Upgrades

If you can’t afford to start luxury living immediately, try to make minor upgrades to your daily life. For example, if you’ve always purchased from fast fashion shops, why not buy one item from a luxury brand? If you think about it, most luxury goods last for years, while fast fashion goods only last for several weeks or months. Buying from luxury brands that have superior quality means you’re investing in goods that have longer lifespans, thereby giving you more value in the long run.

4. Experiment with Short-Term Luxury Experiences

Photo: Villa Boonta

Having a private luxury villa in a tropical destination is what dreams are made of. But if you don’t have the means right now, why not try it by booking a vacation in a private villa? Complete with service staff, a private chef, and concierge service, you get to live out this dream, even for just a week. You can say it’s a preview of what’s to come in your life soon.

Related article: Luxe Samui Offers Luxury Private Villas for the Discerning Traveler

5. Save for Long-Term Goals

Luxury living means traveling anywhere in the world anytime you want. But of course, if you’re not financially able to just yet, you need to save up. You may say you want to travel the world, but are you even a passport holder? Yes, start with the essentials (like getting a passport) and save for long-term goals, such as traveling, buying a car, or investing.

6. Don’t Believe the Hype

Are your friends excited about going to Ibiza? How about having the next “It bag” of the season? Don’t give in to the hype right away. Do your research about things and experiences that are valuable to you and not from anyone else’s perspective. Summer in Ibiza may be great, but does your bank account agree? A $10,000 overhyped bag may give you instant happiness, but will you use it next season?

7. Give Back When You Can

Have you heard of the saying, “When you have more than enough, build a longer table, not a taller wall?” Luxury isn’t all about the individual; it’s also about recognizing others who are less fortunate and using your resources to help. Sometimes, you are being used by a higher power as a vessel of blessings. So give back when you can.

Final Thoughts

All in all, the Oxford English Dictionary may have an official definition of luxury, but today, it has become personal to each individual. What may not be luxury to one person is luxury to another, which means luxury lifestyles are not a monolith.

And so we ask you another question as we end this article. What does luxury living mean to you? And how can you explore it in your own way?

Read more of our latest Luxury Lifestyle articles for more interesting topics.

Featured Image by Villa Amaravida